How to Structure Your Content Plan

how to structure your content plan the right way

In the digital world of the internet, standing out and attracting attention can be quite a challenge, similar to nurturing the most captivating flower.

Imagine the internet as a giant, communal garden where everyone has their little plot to grow something. And in this case, your website is trying to grow tulips (they are nice). With so many other flowers around, you want yours to be the jewel in the crown.

Now, think of SEO content as the special care and attention you give to your garden. This includes choosing the right spot (or selecting the right keywords), ensuring it gets enough sunlight (creating engaging and relevant content), and watering it regularly (updating it and keeping it fresh). Just as a flower needs the right conditions to bloom and thrive, your website needs good SEO content to stand out.

When you take great care of your flowers with excellent SEO practices, it starts to grow more vibrant, colorful, and noticeable. It begins to stand out among the others.

And your target audience is walking through this piece of land. They are drawn to the most beautiful and unique green things. Your well-tended tulip, flourishing with the help of your SEO efforts, catches their eye. They stop to admire it, appreciate it, maybe even tell others about it, and remember it for their next visit.

Let’s recap what SEO content is;

An SEO content plan is a specific roadmap designed to create, manage, and optimize content with the ultimate goal of boosting a website’s visibility in search results, driving organic traffic, and engaging users.

Now that we got the gist of it, here is how to set it up:

1. Setting Clear Goals for Your SEO Content Strategy

Understanding your goals is a fundamental step in any successful SEO content strategy for several important reasons:

Direction and Focus: 

Clear goals provide a finish line for your content strategy. They help you focus your efforts and resources on what’s most important, ensuring that every piece of content serves a specific purpose. Without a defined goal, your content may lack direction, making it difficult to achieve meaningful results.

Measurable Success:

It becomes easier to measure the success of your content. For instance, if your goal is to increase website traffic by x%, you can track your progress and adjust strategies accordingly. They allow you to set key performance indicators (KPIs), which are crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of your content.

Optimization and Improvement:

Goals provide a benchmark for continuous improvement. By analyzing how well your content performs against your objectives, you can identify areas for optimization. This ongoing process of refinement is essential for staying competitive, where best SEO practices and algorithms are always evolving.

Knowing is half the battle.

2. Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience in business is essential for creating digital marketing strategies that resonate with them, leading to increased customer engagement and satisfaction. By anticipating market trends and customer behaviors, businesses can stay competitive and make informed decisions. This knowledge ultimately leads to more effective communication, enhanced brand reputation, and better overall business performance.


Begin with doing market research. Start with broad research to understand the demographics of your target audience.

Things such as:

  • age 
  • gender 
  • location
  • education

With these, you can make a general framework of who your audience is. If you wish to narrow it down, consider using other types of analysis. 

For example:

  1. Social Media Engagement: Monitor your social media channels to see who is interacting with your posts. You can ask for feedback on your forums.
  2. Competitor Analysis: Look at your competitors’ content and see what’s working for them. 
  3. Email Campaign Analysis: If you use email marketing, analyze which emails get the most opens and clicks. This can tell you what topics your audience finds most interesting.
  4. Use Your Website Information: Use tools like Google Analytics to examine who is visiting your site. This data gives you a clearer picture of your current audience.

Compile the information you’ve gathered into detailed buyer personas. These are fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data and educated speculation about demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals.

And when you have that, here is what you can do with it to get that competitive edge:

Improved User Experience:

By knowing your audience, you can customize not just the content, but also the user experience on your site to their preferences. This could involve the layout, the type of multimedia used, and even the tone of your content. Don’t forget that a good user experience is a significant factor in SEO rankings.

Tailored Content:

Now that you speak your audience’s lingo, create content that resonates with their interests, needs, and pain points. When content speaks directly to your audience it tends to generate higher engagement (like shares, comments, and likes) and conversion rates (such as sign-ups, downloads, or purchases). Not only that, it’ll help you with being effective with Keyword targeting.

Speaking of Keywords…

3. Do Keyword Research

It’s SEO 101…but digging deep into keywords is not just about finding words to include in your content; it’s about better understanding your audience, what they are looking for, and how you can meet their needs. You can for example use them to optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and headers. If done properly it does wonders for your website in terms of increased visibility in SERPs. That is why this insight is invaluable in creating an effective SEO content plan for several non-obvious reasons:

  • Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategy: 

By monitoring how well different keywords perform, you can continuously refine and adjust your content strategy. 

  • Competitive Analysis: 

Scout what keywords your competitors are using and what works for them. This will help you identify gaps in their content that you can fill or areas where you can differentiate your content to suit you better.

  • Optimizing for Long-Tail Keywords: 

Do not forget about them. Remember, because they are more specific and usually longer, they often have less competition and a higher conversion rate. Targeting these can attract more qualified traffic to your site.

While keywords are essential, it’s important to balance their use in your content. Keyword stuffing, or overusing keywords, can negatively impact the readability of your content and may be penalized by search engines. There is also a possibility of keyword cannibalization.

Instead, aim for a natural integration of keywords in your content, including in titles, headers, body text, and meta descriptions, without compromising the quality and flow of your writing.

With that being said, here is a list of tools that can help you find those vital keywords:

Google Keyword Planner: This tool is part of Google Ads but is free to use and offers valuable insights into keyword trends, search volumes, competition levels, and more. 

SEMrush: This comprehensive SEO tool offers data on keyword volume, keyword difficulty, related keywords, and what keywords competitors are ranking for. SEMrush is particularly useful for in-depth competitor analysis and identifying long-tail keywords.

Ahrefs: Ahrefs is another popular aid that includes a powerful keyword research feature. Ahrefs is also known for its robust backlink analysis tools, which can be useful in understanding the link profile needed to rank for certain keywords.

Moz Keyword Explorer: Moz offers a user-friendly keyword research tool with data on keyword search volume, difficulty, and organic CTR (click-through rate). 

Each of these tools has unique features and strengths, so the choice often depends on your specific needs, the level of detail you require, and your budget for SEO tools.

4. Decide On Content Formats

Choosing which type of content you want to focus on is a crucial step to a successful SEO content strategy plan, as it directly influences how effectively you can engage and connect with your audience.

Now each content type has its pros and cons and will play a specific role in your overall content strategy. The right format ensures that your content is not only found but also consumed and appreciated, enhancing user experience and engagement. 

Things that you may want to keep in mind when deciding:

  • SEO Goals: As established, different formats can and will have varying impacts on SEO. A long-form content can be great for in-depth keyword usage and backlinks for example, while videos might increase user engagement and time spent on the page.

  • Resource Availability: Consider the resources you have, including time, budget, team size, and skills. Creating high-quality videos requires more resources than writing a blog post, for example.

  • Audience Preferences: Understand how your target audience prefers to consume content. Different demographics may favor different formats, such as shorts, articles, infographics, or podcasts.

  • Repurposing Potential: Choose formats that can be easily repurposed into other types of content to maximize the value and reach of your original content.

  • Shareability: Think about how likely it is for your content to be shared. Highly engaging and visually appealing content, like clips or interactive quizzes, often has higher shareability.

  • Competitive Analysis: Scout what types of content your competitors are using.

  • Measurability and Analytics: Use a system that will help you measure the success of each content type. Some formats may offer more straightforward metrics for tracking performance.

You may wish to switch to a different type of content for results that suit you more. Consider using multiple content outlets if it makes sense to you resource-wise. 

Examples of several content types that you may want to think about:

Blog Posts: Ideal for storytelling, sharing insights, and providing detailed news. They are versatile and can be optimized effectively for SEO.

Videos: Great for tutorials, demonstrations, or engaging audiences who prefer visual content. Videos can increase dwell time, which is beneficial for SEO.

Infographics: Useful for presenting data, research findings, or complex information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format.

Podcasts: Cater to audiences who prefer audio content. Podcasts are excellent for in-depth discussions and building a community around your brand.

Interactive Content: Quizzes, surveys, and tools engage users actively, providing a personalized experience and valuable feedback.

Social Media Posts: Short, engaging content tailored to each platform can drive traffic to your other content and improve brand visibility.

Certain content types can significantly improve SEO by increasing dwell time and encouraging sharing, thus boosting your website’s visibility in search results. Tailoring your content format to both your audience’s needs and your SEO goals is therefore essential for the success of your digital marketing efforts.

5. Publish And Maintenance

When you have decided that you are ready to publish, here is how you can organize your content to be more effective.

Being consistent

Sticking to a regular rhythm in content creation offers a multitude of advantages. For starters, it solidifies your brand’s voice and helps in cultivating a growing audience base. Regular content creation sets up expectations for your audience, driving engagement, and establishing a sense of trust and reliability, all good for increasing brand awareness. Not to mention that it keeps your website’s search ranking robust and makes your content more relevant.

Moreover, this regularity is key in fostering healthy content creation habits, steering clear of procrastination and the risk of burnout. By adhering to a set schedule – be it daily, weekly, or monthly – you not only manage your time more efficiently but also sidestep the panic that often tags along with last-minute content generation. It’s an effective way to monitor your progress and pinpoint any areas where you might be falling short or missing out on opportunities.

If you are unsure when you should publish your content, you can determine it based on your audience’s online habits (maybe they are most active on Tuesday, so consider posting them regularly on that day). 

We propose using a content calendar as a tool to chart a course toward a diverse and balanced content library on your website and across different platforms. 

Recap: Consistency is crucial, so establish a regular publishing schedule. 

Monitor and Analyze Performance

Regularly check your analytics to see which content performs best. Depending on which type of format you are monitoring, use a set of KPIs (key performance indicators) to give you a better picture of how you are doing. 

So let’s say you wanted to observe how your blogs are doing, as you weren’t satisfied with them. The parameters to determine how good your blogs are would be the number of visits to your blogs or the average number of comments or shares per post. For videos, you can keep track of bounce rates. For SEO – average time spent on site, etc. 

Use analytics tools like Google Analytics, Ahrefs, or even Semrush, because they can provide a wealth of information about how your content is performing.   

And then you can use SimpleKPI to put the data you’ve collected in easy-to-comprehend visual charts.

Use the insights you’ve gathered from your analysis to make informed decisions. This might involve tweaking your content strategy; like focusing more on different types of content, adjusting your publishing schedule, or improving your SEO practices.

Also don’t forget to


And by recycling we mean, updating your content (and doing it regularly). Revamping and reusing your current content is a smart strategy to maintain a steady flow of ideas. Giving a new twist to your existing content can enhance its appeal and captivate your target audience more effectively.

Begin by examining what you’ve already created, identifying the content that hit the mark and the pieces that didn’t quite land. Pay attention to the themes that engaged your audience and the content formats that saw the most success. 

After pinpointing the areas where enhancements are needed, dive into transforming your content. For instance, morph a written piece into a podcast or a video, or breathe new life into an old blog post with updated data.

This approach of repurposing content is not just a time-saver but also a consistency-keeper in your content creation journey.

So in short…

By systematically tracking and analyzing your content’s performance, you can gain valuable information about what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to continuously improve and refine your content strategy for better results. The vital phases of publishing and maintenance ensure that your content remains fresh, accurate, and engaging over time. 


So just like nurturing a flower that we mentioned at the very start, building and executing an effective SEO content strategy is a process that requires patience, care, and continuous attention. 

Each step, from understanding the soil (your audience) and choosing the right seeds (content types) to regular watering (content marketing) and ensuring adequate sunlight (SEO optimization), contributes to the growth and blooming of your digital presence. Your efforts in tending to your garden are reflected in the health and vibrancy of your flowers (your website and content performances), drawing in admirers (visitors), and standing out amidst a sea of green (the competitive digital landscape). Just as a gardener takes pride in a flourishing garden, so too can you revel in the success of a well-nurtured, thriving online space that captivates and engages its audience.

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